Frequent Asked Questions

Reports are only available to clients working for public entities and other clients that we have approved. In order to access our reports, you must provide your name, email, institution, and title. Once we have approved you, you will receive an email with a password and can continue on to logging in. We will also require that you sign a user agreement when logging in for the first time, as well as a short quarterly survey on your local economic conditions to assist with our demographics research.

Scores are based on our analysis of creditworthiness, taking into account the risk of default for each entity. A score of A, B or C represents an investment grade rating and signals a high level of comfort with the institution’s ability to continue operating as a viable business entity.

Robinson's Downside Adjusted Score (DAS) is a supplement to the Total Score that has been introduced in response to the bank failures in early 2023. The goal is to improve the reactivity of the model by placing an emphasis on a range of key financial and business metrics historically associated with weakening or vulnerable institutions during times of economic distress. It functions by downgrading the four Financial Analysis scores in cases where these metrics are outside of ideal bounds, which in turn has a cumulative effect on the Total Score. These scores have been retroactively applied back to 2015.

The primary purpose of the DAS is to indicate if a bank may have a higher risk profile in the event of an economic or financial shock to the system, even if the bank's other indicators are otherwise healthy. Most institutions analyzed receive some level of adjustment every quarter, and nearly all have been downgraded at some point in their history, with the vast majority continuing to operate normally.

The DAS is a continuous project. It may be subject to alteration in the future in response to new data, at RCM's discretion.

An F rating does not automatically mean that a bank is failing. A credit score of F is considered below investment grade, and represents our concern with the institution’s ability to continue to operate independently. There are many banks that have received an F rating at some point in the past but have eventually managed to recover.

There are a few reasons why your bank may not be on the list -
■ The bank may be too young. We do not currently rate any banks that did not exist before 2017, and in the future we will not rate a bank that is less than three years old as we cannot adequately track important trends at that age.
■ The bank may have been temporarily removed from our list. We flag banks with large changes in certain metrics in order to ensure our data remains accurate. This in no way means a bank is fraudulent or misreported data - we are simply taking precautions to ensure the integrity of our reports.
If you cannot find a bank you are looking for and have additional questions, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help in whatever way we can.

All financial data is drawn directly from the FDIC call reports. Supplementary data is drawn from two other trusted sources, the Bloomberg unemployment report and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

We do not receive compensation from any of the banks for any of our analysis. All data is drawn from the FDIC, Bloomberg, and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and run through the same model.